Farmer Support
AFASA is an organization that works together with different sponsors to promote all types of agricultural businesses. Each business has its own profile within specific categories. Within these profiles you will find all the relevant information about each business as well as all of their latest news and PR. If you feel we are missing any categories please get in contact to discuss any recommendations.
What is a commodity?
A commodity is a basic good in commerce that is interchangeable with other goods of the same type. At AFASA we use commodites as a categorization to deliver relevent news, programs and documents that are relevant to you. Commodity organizations are made up of study groups at local or district level.
Different commodities
- Livestock
- Crop
- Vegetables
- Industrial Produce
- Fruits
Our commodity affiliates
Click on affiliate logo to visit website
Online Procurement
AFASA links its members to markets through its current procurement platform where it actively secure markets for various farm products to be supplied to food manufacturers, retailers, food exporters and companies in the food service industry, giving farmers access to the whole value chain.
Online procurement platform.
Co-operative business entities, which all members of the commodity organisations belong to. They will be the business arm of the association which deals with procurement of inputs and organizes markets for the farmers.

The French Embassy
Their aim is to advocate for young farmers across the country, to develop, implement and facilitate young farmers development programmes and to organize farmers and determine their needs with aim or providing them with information also to connect them to the relevant stakeholders that will assist to develop their farming/agricultural enterprise further.

IFAD Grant agreement
The Southern African Confederation of Agriculture Unions and The African Farmers Association of South Africa have entered into an agreement with (IFAD Grant Agreement). The project will run for a period of five years and become effective on the 25th of February 2020 and the completion date is 24th February 2025 -The overall objectives of the project is to increase income and improve livelihood, Food and Nutrition security and safety of organized smallholder and family farmers in South Africa.
Become an AFASA member
Who can join AFASA and at what cost?
Anyone who is interested or is already in farming can join AFASA. We cater for all farming commodities across the agricultural value chain.
AFASA KwaZulu Natal
AFASA Gauteng
AFASA Eastern Cape
AFASA North West
AFASA Limpopo
AFASA Western Cape
AFASA Mpumalanga
AFASA Northern Cape
AFASA Free State